Party responsible for the contents of the Internet pages of Preh GmbH:
Preh GmbH
Schweinfurter Str. 5-9
D-97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Tel: +49 (9771) 92-0
Fax: +49 (9771) 92-105
Executive directors of Preh GmbH
Zhengxin „Charlie“ Cai
Dr. Guntram Nöth
Rui Marques Dias
Muwen Hua
Shareholder of Preh GmbH
Liaoyuan Joyson Electronics (SHA 600699)
IT coordinator & data protection coordinator
Thomas Böhm
Entry in commercial registry
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
with principal place of business in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
district court Schweinfurt
HRB 4491
VAT ID no.
DE 811147764
Image and Movie permit:
Author of the Photos:
JUNG GmbH & Co. KG, Fotolia und Shutterstock, iStock, preh GmbH, Viracom, Fotostudio Bräutigam, m-frame.
Köhler Kommunikation Werbeagentur GmbH, Am Trippelsberg 43, 40589 Düsseldorf
Concept I webdesign and programming
The website was drawn up, designed and programmed by the advertising agency Jung in 96247 Michelau, near Bamberg.
Liability for external links to third-party website pages
These website pages may contain links to external third-party websites, and we have no way of influencing the contents of the sites. These website pages are subject to the liability of the given operators because these operators are responsible for the contents of the linked pages. At the time of linking, the linked pages were checked to see if any possible violations of law were apparent. No illegal contents were apparent at this time. By setting these links, Preh GmbH does not make itself responsible for the content of the linked website pages pursuant to § 7 TMG, and it does not assume any responsibility for the contents of these website pages. Continual monitoring of external links cannot reasonably be expected unless there are concrete indications that a law is being violated. If violations of law become known, Preh GmbH will remove such external links as soon as reasonably possible.
Scope of application
This legal notice refers to the Preh GmbH website at as well as to all Preh GmbH websites at,,, and