For Preh China’s outstanding
R&D performance
For meeting / exceeding a very stringent
set of quality performance criteria
Preh has been honored with
this Award for the third time
For meeting / exceeding a very stringent
set of quality performance criteria
In the category
"Create Must-have Products and Services"
For the innovation "haptic rotary knob on touchscreen"
For meeting / exceeding a very stringent
set of quality performance criteria
Innovative DC voltage converter convinces the jury
Read morePreh wins for the eighth time
Award for top performance in
innovation and cooperation
Preh has been honored with
this award for the second time
Winner in the category
“Emotional Experience”
Preh has been honored with
this award for the sixth time
For the innovative Touch Control
Buttons in the steering wheel of the
Mercedes-Benz E-Class
For developing and manufacturing innovative, new multi-functional switches
For the plant in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Best delivery quality for the plant Ningbo
Award for an innovative
center console design
Twice nominated in the Productivity
and Quality categories
For the innovation Fanless
Interior Temperature Sensor
Award for exemplary cooperation,
communication and excellent
production quality
Nominated in the “Maximum
customer benefit” category